I was out to dinner with a dear friend of mine on Saturday. She shared her New Year's resolutions of getting into shape, being confident, finding a boyfriend, etc., and I realized I didn't set one, a resolution, for myself this year. While everyone has been talking as of lates, sharing their New Year's resolutions, I realized just how fucking stupid it all seems. It makes sense to want a fresh start, a cleansing, an annual baptism of sorts on the first day of each year - but none of my 'life goals' (MBA, Lotto Winner, Accomplished Writer) are easily accomplished within a calendar year.
So effing Eff you New Year's Resolutions. My life goals and waistline don't need you and I don't either. I hope you die while I give you this stink eye.
Just so you know, I live and die by your blog. Also, I have no EFFING RESOLUTION either. When people start talking about New Year's Resolutions, its kind of like Global Warming....Or Should I say GLOBAL BORING!