Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Shared emails the morning after being an idiot

This post is not profound or really even interesting. It is simply the emails which display the accounts of a Tuesday night in Chicago.

Subject: hi

Lauren XXX to Catherine XX
10:49 AM (1 hour ago)

what the fuck happened last night? why do i feel like i'm going to die? who paid? did you? what the fuck is going on? I obviously spent the night with my head in the toilet.

Catherine XX to Lauren XX
11:50 AM (12 minutes ago)

Oh man, are you ok? Basically, you didn't eat dinner and then drank a shitload of vodka. Then we did shots, and you did an extra one (whiskey?) while i was in the bathroom. These shots included a car bomb, which is awesome and smart and I'm glad we did that one especially.

Then we walked home and you fell. I tried to make you spend the night on our couch but you went home. And then I puked, so I imagine you puked like a mofo.

Oh, and we split the bill, so it was $33 each. Blarg. Awesome.

Go eat some Gino's or take a nap in the supply room or something.

Love you!! I know you feel like ass, but thanks for hanging out with me.


  1. Alls I have to say: AHAHAHAHAAAAAA! And, did you wake up with your shirt on or off? Supply room naptime, go!! HAHAHAHHAAAWESOME!!!

  2. Haha, I feel so exposed. Good thing I spellchecked that email and capitalized, for the most part.

    All I can say is this: Weening one's self off of a layoff must happen in stages. It's like giving up inhalants or carbs. Sometimes you fall off the wagon. One day at a time. One day at a time.
