Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's over - It's all over - and where are the banana hands boys?

Well, it ended. The layoff, that is. A week or two ago I was asked to go back to my old company with the same pay, but a demotion. What is a girl to do, especially when her father threatens to "come and move you home" and that damn unemployment tele-serve equipment threatens to arrest me if I lie? That is a lot of threats, none of them empty. I took the job and now my daily to-do list is filled with task like, "decorate company Christmas tree," and "go to lunch."

Though it pains me to see my colleagues doing far more interesting work, I can, with almost 100% certainty, say they probably don't have time to blog during work. They also probably don't get to leave on time and if they went on a booze binge on a Tuesday afternoon, it would probably hurt them more than me.

So, let me raise my glass to you, Unemployment. You were an unwelcome guest, but you treated me with the utmost respect and kindness. I will miss late night and day drinking with you, smelling like cat and meals that consist of beef jerky and animal crackers.

Lastly, I wanted to see if anyone knew what happened to the Banana Hands Boys? That is not there official name, but they are responsible one of the most influential videos of my generation, My Hands are Bananas. With lyrics like, "You people all have hands," and "Keep the monkeys away from my hands" and "Beware of the milky pirate," I can't understand why I don't know more about them. If anyone knows them or where they are today, please contact me.

Thank you.

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