Like so many others, my sense of loss comes from the fact I associate so many of my 25-year-old life's memories with his songs:
- Riding in the back seat of my mother's car listening to Man in the Mirror as a 4-year-old
- Him beating the shit out of a car during TGIF as an 8-year-old
- Listening to Scream as loud as I could on my DiscMan and thinking, "My family really makes ME want to scream!" as a middle-schooler
- Asking the hipster bartender at a Hipster Bar in Bucktown (that I wasn't cool enough to be at- a Gap wearer and all) to play Will You be There after several beers and a shot of Jameson -- two weeks ago
- Dancing the Free Willie Dance (standing in the middle of the dance floor with one hand in the air) to Will You be There (played in my mind) after a few more beers --- later in the evening 2-weeks-ago
I hope he is someplace wonderful...