Oh, Hey Sunday! How are you? I haven't seen you all week, but I have certainly been thinking about you. I always have so much fun when we're together, but I always feel like you're in such a rush to get out of here.
Anyway, do you remember that time we slept until 11 and then watched TV all day, all snugly in our matching Snuggies, because it was raining outside. Can someone say, LIFETIME MARATHON!? That was great. Or when we went on a long wanderous walk with Kate and she pretended to drown in the playground of fake boats and we laughed and laughed and laughed. You're right, it was soo funny. Or even just yesterday when we had 2, no, 8, margaritas with Mandy and then went in and out of vintage clothing and record shops looking for the perfect pair of plaid sunglasses and that long lost Paul Simon album? Good times, right?
What? What did you say to me, Sunday? You don't?! I thought those were such meaningful times!
Well, I don't know why I thought you cared. I bet you DOO have tons of friends!! Tons more than me.
You know what, Sunday? You are mean. You are a mean mean person and I don't have to sit here and take it any more!
Just leave. I never needed you any way.
Where are you going.
Sunday, I'm sorry. Come back.
Because I love you. Yes I do.
Yes I do. Just listen to me. Okay, I accept your apology.
Oh, you have someplace to go? Okay. Well, I'll see you next week.
The Most Common Convergences of Uber, Lyft, and Taxi Drivers
(click to enlarge)
I should have never sold my bicycle.
8 years ago
How could you forget to write about playing MASH because you have such an exciting future ahead of you. Oh..and Paul Simon is such a little, gentleman.