This may have been because at 6, kids just assume multi race relationships don't exsist, or this may be because I looked horrible with 3 pigtales and they were just lookingout for me. Regardless, that was how relationships worked back then - back when we were learning to read and tie shoes and stuff. The community decided who would be best suited for you. It would be interesting if that were still the case.
Anyhow, Mickey was a sweet kid from what I can remember, except he had this thing about serenading me. It first started in the coat closet in the back of our classroom. He put his hands on my shoulders and started singing Aaron Neville & Linda Ronstadt 1989 Grammy Award winning hit, 'Don't know much.' After he was done singing, he would simply say "kiss me." That was usually enough to push a six-year-old me over the edge, breaking free of his infantile grip and returning to the classroom, bus line or cafeteria table. He really loved that song, I guess.
I do remember teachers being around on occasion when he would play Aaron, making me his Linda. And they did nothing to stop it. However, I also have memories of teachers taking us all into the bathroom to watch one of our wilder classmates get a 'whooping,' so I can't say I'm surprised.
To this day I have never been serenaded with quite the same zest or passion. So here is to you Mickey, wherever you may be. And that may be all I need to know....
Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville - Don't Know Much
Uploaded by superfly64 - Watch more music videos, in HD!
Anyhow, Mickey was a sweet kid from what I can remember, except he had this thing about serenading me. It first started in the coat closet in the back of our classroom. He put his hands on my shoulders and started singing Aaron Neville & Linda Ronstadt 1989 Grammy Award winning hit, 'Don't know much.' After he was done singing, he would simply say "kiss me." That was usually enough to push a six-year-old me over the edge, breaking free of his infantile grip and returning to the classroom, bus line or cafeteria table. He really loved that song, I guess.
I do remember teachers being around on occasion when he would play Aaron, making me his Linda. And they did nothing to stop it. However, I also have memories of teachers taking us all into the bathroom to watch one of our wilder classmates get a 'whooping,' so I can't say I'm surprised.
To this day I have never been serenaded with quite the same zest or passion. So here is to you Mickey, wherever you may be. And that may be all I need to know....
Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville - Don't Know Much
Uploaded by superfly64 - Watch more music videos, in HD!
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