Monday, May 18, 2009

Time to Hang the Hat - Time to Retire the Beads

It's over and I survived. Spring Break 2009 was wild and amazing - well, the kind of wild and amazing a loser that has no social life and has to work everyday of her 'spring break' has. And I didn't get shot, so that's good too.

On Saturday night, I went to that writer hipster party with Catherine. Except, it wasn't really all that "writer" or all that "hipster," it was basically just a party. After a failed attempt to start a secret exclusive dance party - the secret party within the party - we sat on the front stoop, Sesame Street style, and talked about the musical we plan on writing.

The plot is a bit loose, but we did think of some great names. And, I did text them to people during a separate dance party later that night, which (the party) was much more mainstream and part of the whole party, less secret and more lame. Sorry about the late night texts, people.

The following are possible names:

  • *Hot Cross Buns - Vampire Puppet Love; A Musical
  • Hot Cross Buns - Witch Baby Lezzy Puppet Love; A Musical
  • Hot Cross Buns - Old Timey Hookers with a Heart of Gold; A Musical
I'm leaning towards the Hookers with a Heart of Gold angle. Not only does everyone love a good hooker tale, but EVERYONE loves hookers with hearts of gold. They just do.

On a separate note, which has nothing to do with Hookers or Lezzy Puppets, I just don't get James Taylor. How do men exist like that? Where did he come from? It's like he lives on hugs and rainbows and handcrafted clay coffee mugs? I just don't understand it. So, if you know someone like this, I would like to hear that story!

*Yes. I have seen Sarah Marshall. It looks different in my head. Okay?!

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